Jan 6, 2016


Dear friends

If you are looking for a jump-start to your new year, here are six courses we are featuring this month to help you out.

1. Third Summer Course for Top English Language Teachers 2016
From Jan 18 - Jan 30 Mondays to Fridays from09:00 - 13:00
This is a modular course and as in the two preceding courses we offer modules according to participants´requests. This year the modules are:
  • Creativity and Innovation in the Language Classroom
  • Pronunciation and Grammar develoment from Pre-Intermediate to Advanced
  • Teaching CLIL and Teaching Young Learners
  • Using TICS, Leadership and Team work techniques for the Classroom
  • Improving the Fours Skills using learning strategies 
2. Developing Conversational Skills
From Jan 11 to Jan 27, Mondays and Wednesdays from 17:00 to 20:00
This course has been developed especially for those professionals who want to both develop better listening and teaching skills themselves and who wish to convey those skills to their students. Each session is led by a native English teacher and will include varios fun and challenging activities that are designed to identify deficits of current listening and speaking skills.

3. Improving Writing Skills
From Jan 12 to Jan 28, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 to 20:00
This is the course for all those who need to improve their writing skills under the concept of writing as a cognitive process. You will learn how to develop different kinds of texts with particular emphasis to the organization, layout, editing and proof reading of academic texts.

4. Cambridge English: First (FCE)
From Jan 12 to March 10, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 to 21:00 and Saturdays from 9:00 to 13:00.
 A comprehensive preparation course to take the exam in March and have the possibility to thoroughly prepare without the constraints of lack of time due to working responsibilities. (Only 3 seats left)!!!!!

5. TKT CLIL : Preparation Course for this Specialisation exam from Jan 13 to February 26. Wednesdays from 15:00 to 17:00

6. TKT Young Learners: Preparation course for this Specialisation exam from Jan 13 to February 24 from 17:30 - 19:00

RPC: 9898-52363
RPM: 9944-53348

[ELTeCS_PERU] Resumen del 2015

Dear Friends

I wanted to share this message from the Executive Director of Customized Training Services with all of you since I know most of you share our vision for improving education in our country.
I can´t help  feeling really proud for having contributed to the success of our colleagues and feel happy for providing our little grain of sand to Peru´s educational goals.

M.Ed. Maria Luisa Mu

Queridos amigos,
Feliz Año 2016!
Además de saludarlos y desearles lo mejor de lo mejor para este año que estamos próximos a iniciar, queremos aprovechar la ocasión para agradecer a cada uno de ustedes por haber sido parte de nuestra historia en el 2015 y sobre todo por habernos permitido ser parte de vuestra historia y haber podido colaborar y alegrarnos con sus triunfos académicos y profesionales. Podemos resumir nuestro 2015 en:
-          Dos profesores alumnos nuestros que obtuvieron becas docentes a UK y una a USA.
-          Tres alumnas nuestras, profesoras de inglés que obtuvieron sus resoluciones de nombramiento en la carrera pública magisterial.
-          Cinco jóvenes que se han graduado en IB en el 2015 y además inician su vida universitaria con un Diploma Internacional en mano.
-          27 profesores participantes al Second Summer Course for Top English Teachers 2015
-          18 profesores participantes al Curso English Pronunciation
-          Cuatro participantes al Pre-CAE 2015-2
-          174 participantes a los diferentes Facebook Academic Events 2015
-          43 Cambridge English: First
-          52 TKT-Young Learners y TKT-CLIL.

Gracias a todos ustedes por contar con nosotros, por hacernos parte de sus éxitos y de muchos otros triunfos que tal vez no conocemos pero que demuestra el gran interés de ser cada vez mejores profesionales no sólo para ustedes mismos sino también para sus alumnos como es el caso de todos los docentes de inglés que participaron con nosotros.  

Feliz Año 2016!

Best regards,

Liliana Cheneder
Executive Director
Customized Training Services
Telephone: +51-1-744-5948
Mobile: +51-9898-52363 (RPC)
             +51-9944-53348 (RPM)