Jul 2, 2017

Top Articles: This Week A Year Ago

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Omm Sety – A British Woman Whose Life Was Lined by Reincarnation and Connected to a Pharaoh
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Archaeologists Uncover Tantalizing Evidence of the Lost Colony of Roanoke
Archaeologists Uncover Tantalizing Evidence of the Lost Colony of Roanoke
Archaeologists have discovered possible evidence of the lost colony of Roanoke, North Carolina, in the form of two European pottery pieces near a site where the colonists settled in the 1580s. The researchers say the pottery fragments may be part of a medicine jar of Thomas Harriot, an important member of one of the expeditions, or of one of other colonists, according to the Virginian Pilot .
Ancient Book Teaches Amazing Mental Abilities
Ancient Book Teaches Amazing Mental Abilities
There have been many books over the eras that promise other worldly powers to those that read it. Many people could not read so the words on the paper were inherently mysterious. The knowledge gained by reading these texts provided otherwise unknown information. In the famous grimoire  Lesser Key Of Solomon , there is a book called Ars Notoria, or ‘The Notory Art Of Solomon’...
Ancient Origins Premium
Anubis – The Jackal God and Guide into the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife
Anubis – The Jackal God and Guide into the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife
Anubis is one of the most prominent and mystical gods of ancient Egypt. He was known since the earliest periods in the history of the civilization that was based near the Nile River. This god was first mentioned during the First Dynasty period, but it is possible that future research may show that he was present even before then. It is interesting to note however, that the name “Anubis” was unknown before the Greeks arrived in Egypt. In the ancient Egyptian language, he was called Anpu or Inpu...
12,000-Year-Old Campsite and Hundreds of Artifacts Unearthed in Canada
12,000-Year-Old Campsite and Hundreds of Artifacts Unearthed in Canada
First Nations archaeologists in New Brunswick, Canada, are unearthing hundreds of artifacts and exposing a campsite where their distant ancestors lived about 12,000 years ago. It is one of the earliest sites in eastern North America, occupied not long after the glaciers started to recede northward. So far, the excavations have turned up about 600 artifacts, says an article about the dig on CTV News Atlantic. The archaeologists are working in an area near Fredericton where there was to have been a highway...
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