Apr 13, 2018

Top Articles: This Week A Year Ago

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What Did the Ancients See? Unidentified Flying Objects that Made an Impact on Early History
The number of reported UFO sightings has hit an all time high in 2017. In the 112 years since the National UFO Reporting Center began keeping track, there have been 104,947 reported events (Monfort, 2017). The majority of sightings occur in the United States, though Canada, Australia, and the Nordic countries also have significant numbers of unidentified flying object sightings. Most of these incidents can be explained – airplanes, satellites...
Ancient Mummy 'With 1,100-year-old Adidas boots' Died After She Was Struck on the Head
As well as her amazing 'modern' footwear, this Mongolian 'seamstress' went to the afterlife with four changes of clothes, her sewing kit, a horse, and a ram's head. New pictures of the mummy's remarkable red striped boots - first highlighted by The Siberian Times in April last year and now cleaned up after being buried in a grave for around 1,100 years - have been released. When they were first seen, they were immediately likened...
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Leaving A Mark in History: The Oldest Known Named Person
The oldest named person that we know belongs to an individual from Sumer, one of the earliest urban civilisations in southern Mesopotamia, in present day Iraq. A person’s name is an integral part of his or her identity, and the absence of this aspect of life is something that is hard to imagine. Whilst it is possible that human names had existed since prehistoric times, its preservation has not always been as easy as it is today. In much of the world today, one’s name may be preserved for posterity without...
What Giant Beasts Carved Out these South American Mega-Tunnels?
Immense tunnels found in the heart of the jungle in Brazil are thought to have been the den of a gruesome wild animal. Experts doubt that huge burrows were created by a natural geologic process and suggest that they are the creation of an ancient species of giant armadillos or ground sloth instead. According to scientists, the fact that the gigantic tunnels cannot be explained by any natural geologic process, as well as the enormous claw marks all over their walls, consolidates the theory...
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