Dec 31, 2012

[ELTeCS_PERU] Fw: Report: ELT in Peru:Where up tp now?‏

Report on the IATEFL-PERU FORUM:
It is with great pleasure that we want to share about the last IATEFL-PERU academic  event FORUM :ELT in PERU : Where up to now? which took place on December 18th at Universidad de Piura .
We started with Miss Caceda´s  Presentaction : A Snapshot on becoming an ELT teacher in Peru: Are we Replicating or Transforming our Practices? –a brilliant interactive session where the various models to educate teachers of English,a) the craft model, (b) the science model, and (c) the reflective practitioner model were revisited and there was reflection on what it is best according to our socio-cultural and economical contexts.
We continued with the FORUM,being the Panelists: Miss Norma Vecorena Minedu Consultant. Miss Marcela Raffo RELO-ANDES-U.S.A Embassy, Mr Juio Valladares,Universidad DePiura Language Centre Director, Mr VictorHugo Rojas, Univesidad Nacional de Educación‘Enrique Guzman y Valle ‘ Teacher and Teacher Trainer , Manuel Salas, Teacher at Licenciatura Program,UNMSM.
We couldn’t be prouder of having  the above ELT professionals as Panelists in  this  important ELT issue, since we were nurtured with very interesting and challenging points of view, specially on the self –determination in improving personal and proffesionally in our field.
Then we had the questions and answers time , after that paticipants worked in teams and writing  drafts of Project Propsal, briefly ones, this was the most important part since we could se an outcome, which  will take into account when organizing the next Iatefl Peru Academic Event.
Special  thanks to NUTESA , since  they were kind enough , as soon as they knew about this event, through ELTeCS , they volunteer on providing with the presents for the Raffle..Really nice ones !.Our deepest gratitude.

Dec 27, 2012

[ELTeCS_PERU] Happy New Year‏

Dear friends
2012 is coming to an end and the whole world is getting ready to say goodbye to it and welcome the new year. The New Year Resolutions is a tradition that we, teachers of English, may teach our students as part of the interculural baggage of our classes. However, instead of the New Year Resolutions, this time I would like to say goodbye to this year giving Thanks to all the people or institutions who have helped me and other teachers become better in our teaching practice.
First, thanks ELTeCS Peru (Cesar Klauer) and ELTeCS Latin America(Renate Thummler) for providing us with a space to share and to learn about other initiatives, I have certainly made use of both for communication and also for trying out some of the suggestions.
Then, thanks to all those institutions that organized events for teachers of English: TESOL, IATEFL Peru, ICPNA, Language Centre of Universidad del Pacífico, Pearson, Cambridge, Oxford, Richmond, SM, NUTESA, I could not attend them all but I certainly learned a lot from the ones I could participate in.
Thanks very much for the Webinars and Teacher´s Club and foremost thanks to RELO Andes for all the opportunities and webinars, David Fay you are doing an excellent job!!! I participated in the English Village Online early this year and the Web 2.0 in October (both of them online courses) and along the year I have noticed how much this has helped my own practice: For the first time in years I got the courage to start my own personal blog, I have another professional one and have blogs for the classes I run for the Master in TEFL (blended-learning) course at FUNIBER- Universidad de Piura.
Additionally, I started a Facebook account, have an office in Tapped In, have a Prezi professional account, a Voki account, accounts in Voxopop, Voice thread, edublog, LinkedIn. I learned to use Diigo and RSS and am sure that some people who read this will think all this is part of their daily lives not an extraordinary achievement. Believe me for me who am nearing 60 and who belong to the generation of Peace and Love and no machines, having the computer and the Internet as one of my main and favourite aids for teaching is something awesome!!
So thank you very much for allowing me to learn, to meet new people, to be in touch with the ones I love, thanks to my colleagues, my friends and my students for teaching me so much and let´s look forward to 2013 and all the new things that are waiting for us.
Happy New Year to all of you!!!
M. of Ed. Maria Luisa Mu

Dec 1, 2012

[ELTeCS_PERU] Relo Andes-Practicing game

New Trace Effects Video Game Arrives!

Nov 25, 2012 05:16 pm | Andean Region RELO

Christmas came early. Late last week the US Embassy in Lima received a box full of DVDs with 4G worth of a new language learning (to be read “practicing”) game. I hear that our Ecuadoran and Colombian Embassies also received boxes. No doubt those in Venezuela and Bolivia are days away from getting theirs.
So why should an English teacher in the Andean region get excited? First off, you do not need to wait for the DVD to play. You can play online. Just go to American English’s handsome new site and look for “Trace Effects Game” in the top right (see screenshot). I needed to download the Unity Web Player, which took a few seconds, and register, and was then able to begin playing. I joined 162 other registered players (since it keeps score, and I had not begun playing, I was in 162nd on the leader board).

But there’s much more to celebrate. For students, this is finally a game with engaging content AND can be used for low learners. We piloted the game at ICPNA Lima and ICPNA Cusco back in June and found students of all levels could readily navigate Trace through his various adventures with only a jump start. Another exciting aspect of the online version is that they can click on “multiplayer challenge” and compete in four different word-building games with other players around the world.
For teachers, the game has lots of extras. Look for the “Helpful Links” tab and click on the“Trace Effects Adventure Ning.” After a painless registration, you have access to a Forum where you can discuss how best to use TA with your students. Soon, you will also be able to watch the ‘how to’ webinars on TA if you miss the live version. You can find a calendar at the ‘webinar information’ tab. But perhaps most helpful is the ‘Trace Teacher Resources’ tab, with downloadable worksheets and a behemoth teachers’ manual.
In the Andean region we will be rolling out the DVD version over the next three months. Priorities include Access sites, Bi-National Centers (under Z-A extras, click on ‘BNCs’), universities with pre-service programs, alumni of E-Teacher courses, and, eventually, all public schools with computers that students can access. If you are interested in helping with the roll-out, write to us at

Oct 28, 2012

British Council Schools Online

El British Council Colombia

Se complace en presentar a la comunidad de docentes y a las Instituciones Educativas del país British Council Schools Online]

la plataforma global de colaboración internacional para Colegios que les ofrece la posibilidad de generar vínculos con colegios pares alrededor del mundo, teneracceso a múltiples recursos de desarrollo profesional y acceder a financiación para proyectos colaborativos. En la plataforma de acceso gratuito, los docentes colombianos inscritos tendrán oportunidades de:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ recibir Capacitaciones * Una vez realizada la inscripción, los docentes podrán participar en las capacitacionesque organizará el British Council y recibirán material de apoyo.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buscar alianzas con Colegios socios * Podrán generar sociedades con más de 33.000 colegios en más de 180 países de mundocon quienes podrán formar alianzas, desarrollar actividades y proyectos e intercambiarideas y conocimientos.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ participar en Foros * Foros en línea en los que podrán comunicarse con otros docentes internacionalmentee intercambiar ideas y aprendizajes.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ acceder a Desarrollo Profesional * Tendrán acceso gratuito a todos los recursos de desarrollo profesional para docentesy a los recursos globales de aprendizaje, desarrollados y publicados por el BritishCouncil.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ desarrollar Proyectos internacionales * Sus estudiantes podrán desarrollar proyectos y actividades con estudiantes de diferentes partes del mundo, lo que les permitirá aprender de nuevas culturas y fortalecer su inglés como lengua extranjera. El British Council Colombia otorgaráincentivos a los docentes e Instituciones Educativas más participativos en SchoolsOnline.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ encontrar financiación * Una vez vinculado con su colegio par, su institución podrá aplicar para recibirfinanciación para sus proyectos de colaboración internacional.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to British Council Schools Online!
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Oct 22, 2012

[ELTeCS_PERU] Blending New Technologies with Traditional Methods: The Key to Success in Second-Language Classrooms‏

Very interesting piece of information, and what's more,resources where we can get more info and ideas!!!Great!!

Andean Region RELO posted: "What is the best way to learn a second language in a classroom setting? The answer to this question is actually much more complex than one might expect.The reason is that there are several factors outside of a teacher’s control that dictate language-lea" Respond to this post by replying above this line

New post on RELO Andes

Blending New Technologies with Traditional Methods: The Key to Success in Second-Language Classrooms

by Andean Region RELO

What is the best way to learn a second language in a classroom setting? The answer to this question is actually much more complex than one might expect.

The reason is that there are several factors outside of a teacher’s control that dictate language-learning success. For fluency to be achieved, a student must be truly interested and committed to learning a new language. However, the foundation for success is the teacher’s responsibility, and the best foundation (or curriculum) is one that uses a variety of learning techniques.

There are many new technologies being used to teach language. These technologies do help students learn, but they must not be used as a replacement to traditional language-learning methods. Instead, these new technologies must be blended with older methods as an enhancement to the classroom, allowing students to gain a better understanding with additional practice through different exercises.

According to the online language-learning resource,, small children are like sponges and can learn a new language through simple image recall and listening practices. Teenagers and adults only learn with more stimulation through listening practices, image recall, reading and writing exercises and cultural immersion. All age groups benefit from practicing dialogue with their instructor and peers.

Although most computer programs, DVDs and CDs include audio that allows students to listen to and repeat the language, they must be used in conjunction with regular classroom conversation. After all, the main purpose of language is to communicate through speech with others. If this component of the learning process is left out, or sparsely used, students will fail to gain the skills needed to actually speak the language outside of the classroom.

In fact, this is a common outcome for many second-language students. In the classroom, they are asked to watch videos, listen to tapes, memorize words and grammar and write sentences, but they rarely engage in deep, meaningful dialogue with their peers and instructor. Some instructors also further hinder the process by not speaking in the second-language during class.

The result is that students learn how to read and write a language, but they cannot recognize the language when it is spoken to them, nor can they carry out a conversation. This approach isn’t necessarily a failure, since students did learn the language to an extent. However, it leaves the students with an incomplete grasp of the language.

It is possible to teach students how to speak, read and write a language, all at once, but success is more likely if technology is used in tandem with traditional speech practice. Dialogue should be natural and useful, requiring students to let down their guards and not be afraid to fail at first. Teachers must also be “tough” on students, pushing them to always use the second language in class for all communication purposes. The classroom must be a place where they sacrifice their first language for a time to fully engage in learning the new language.

In terms of viable technologies, the following list of websites and language computer programs can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning experience: A free, comprehensive guide to learning the most common world languages.

Language Course Podcasts: These language courses are delivered in podcast format. The most popular source for language course podcasts is the online iTunes Store at Some courses are free, others charge a downloading fee. A popular resource for French, German, Italian and Spanish teaching material. Each textbook comes with an interactive DVD and prices vary. One of the most popular computer programs for learning a new language. The website includes a section for both traditional classroom learning and homeschooling. Prices vary. The world’s largest online language learning community. Users pay a fee to gain access to course content, which includes reading, writing and listening practice.

Skype in the Classroom: With a Skype account, teachers can connect their classrooms to other classrooms or teaching professionals who speak the language they are learning; a great resource for practicing dialogue.

Although these and other language learning technologies can enhance a student’s learning experience, classroom teachers are still important for providing one-on-one guidance and natural, face-to-face dialogue practice.

KatherynRivas is a freelance writer and blogger who has contributed articles to numerous education resource websites. Covering topics that range from education, technology, career advice and college preparation, Katheryn works hard to research the facts about recent education news and trends to help her readers make the best decisions for their schooling and careers. Please direct your questions and comments to her at

Andean Region RELO
October 22, 2012 at 9:33 am
Categories: Uncategorized

Oct 21, 2012

[ELTeCS_PERU] Some material to share‏

Dear friends

We are approaching the end of October and for school people it is the chance to practise English and familiarize our students with a typical celebration: Halloween. I was reading Selections of the Reader´s Digest in Spanish (october 2012) at the doctor´s waiting room when I found these pictures on the last page in the section "The last laugh". They were not intended for English teaching but as it usually happens to us, teachers, we cannot help finding "authentic material" to supplement our teaching. You can download them from together with some suggestions for their use.

In my opinion, we should try to show our students that language is communication and what we communicate is feelings and opinions of the different things we come accross. In our country we also celebrate the Procession of the Lord of the Miracles and even "El día de la Canción Criolla".These are also conversation topics that may help teachers motivate students to communicate in English.

If you need some more ideas for celebrations you can visit Learn English Kids of the British Council : You will certainly find lots of ideas, games and crafts that are all really helpful.

Maria Luisa Mu

Spanihs-En​glish free dictionari​es

Dear Prof. Giovanni,

Babylon would like to offer your blog a free Spanish-English-Spanish dictionary that can be used directly on your site. No cost and no advertisement.

To see an example of how it works, please visit the site of the Library of BAJA CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY (Mexico):

If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Silvio Branco

Oct 19, 2012


Institucion Educativa ENRIQUE CAMILO BRENT

Requiere urgentemente profesor de ingles de nivel Primaria y Secundaria a TIEMPO COMPLETO .

Por favor contactar con el señor Felipe Marin , coordinador academico, al 717 3434 o al 717 3430 o al celular 989158177Este colegio esta ubicado en la Av. Proceres de la Independencia 1571 (alt. Metro LA HACIENDA) San Juan de Luringancho .

Traer curriculum y entrevista inmediata hasta el dia 26 de Octubre del presente año.

Oct 18, 2012

Taller de Narración Oral en San Miguel - Miércoles 24

Estimado Usuario,

El Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano en el marco de su labor educativa y cultural, organizará mediante su Dirección de Biblioteca el III Encuentro Internacional de Narradores Orales 2012, denominado “Bendita sea la palabra”, evento que se realizará del 22 al 27 de octubre. La narración oral resulta siempre una excelente forma de sensibilizar a la comunidad en general sobre los diversos factores sociales y que a partir de su dinámica se puede conservar la tradición de un pueblo, así como la posibilidad de contar historias literarias que estimulen la lectura, que es precisamente el objetivo.

Miércoles 24


SINOPSIS: Cómo transformar una anécdota o vivencia personal en un relato con valor universal y escénico. A través de pequeñas historias o anécdotas vividas o conocidas por el alumno se llega a la estructura más profunda de las mismas, a los mecanismos de expresión y comunicación personal y se trabaja la espontaneidad y la improvisación como materiales básicos del oficio del narrador. Todo el taller apunta al descubrimiento del “narrador interior” que cada persona posee y cómo desde ahí poder contar las historias propias y las historias de otros a una audiencia cualquiera.

FACILITADOR: CARLOS GENOVESE (CHILE). Actor, dramaturgo y narrador oral. Formado en la Escuela de Teatro de la Universidad de Chile. Pionero de esta actividad en su país. Ha participado en diversos países en festivales de la Oralidad. Autor de los libros: Las más bellas historias para ser contadas y manual de teatro escolar

Hora: De 3:00 a 6:00 p.m.Lugar: Sede San Miguel, Study Hall (9º piso)Inversión: S/. 50.00 Nuevos soles

Inscripciones en: o acercándose a la Biblioteca San Miguel

Biblioteca "Anna Clack de Díaz"

Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano

Av. La Marina 2469 - San Miguel

Tel. 7067000 - Anexo 3272

Oct 11, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Facebook page

Dear ELTeCS PERU Members

Thanks to all of you who visited the Facebook page we have set for ELTeCS PERU and clicked "like". The statistics for the page shows that there 171 people talking about ELTeCS PERU but there aren´t as many members as the actual email group count shows (over 1000). I guess this is because not everybody has a FB account, still I´d like to invite you once more to visit our FB page and become members there too. You can easily post messages on FB that all the community will read (related to our profesional activity, of course).

Thanks again,

Cesar Klauer

Oct 5, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Something to share

Dear colleagues

On October 3rd, SM and University of Dayton Publishing offered Ready, Steady, Grow, a presentation for Primary teachers whose presenter was Ms. Izabella Hearn.

This presentation started with a comment on her work in Africa where she came to know a Masamari warrior who happened to speak five languages, one of them Japanese. When asked how and why he learned it, he replied that there were many visitors from Japan and that they learned languages by playing. As you can imagine, this answer leaves you with a lot to reflect and to relate with the theories behind the way children learn.

Izabella´s presentation was really a workshop since it was full of hands-on practical ideas for teaching but not only that, it also provided the rationale behind the activities- which is an issue that is sometimes forgotten in other such events. I truly believe that a good presentation is more than to keep people entertained, the coffee break and the freebies that are given at the end. It is the personal and professional quality of the presenter that allows us, attendees, to take away inspiring ideas and urge us to try these out in the classroom adapting them to suit our own contexts. In other words, it is not what the publisher or the organizer gives us, it is what we take away with us that matters and Izabella gave plenty of opportunities to do so.

Izabella discussed the use of Multiple Intelligences, CLIL, sensory learning and using both brain hemispheres and presented some activities to demonstrate how they worked with the possibility of adapting them to teaching any level. Read more

Time was really short for all the activities she presented in spite of starting at 4:30 and finishing at around 8:00 p.m. but it was worth every single minute. I would like to finish with this quote that, I believe, sums up the aim of her presentation: "If the child is not learning the way you are teaching, then teach the way children are learning".

M.of Ed.Maria Luisa Mu

Live as if you were to die tomorrow

Learn as if you were to live forever (Gandhi)

Sep 22, 2012

ELTeCS_PERU] English language exams‏

Dear Colleagues

As you know, a fundamental, if not THE most important, skill a teacher of English must have is the competence in the language. Since we are not native speakers, we find ourselves in the constant need to demonstrate we are proficient users of Shakespear´s language. One of the ways to prove this is by obtaining an international certification which we can put in our CV. Among them, the exams administered by the University of Cambridge are ideal for this purpose. The levels that most suitably match our needs are FCE (upper intermediate), CAE (advanced) and CPE (near native).

At this very moment, we are beginning exams season in Peru, so it is time for you to think about sitting one these examinations. You have several alternatives where to register, all of them equally serious and profesional. It is worth mentioning that the exams are writen and scored in Cambridge -except the oral, which is marked by local approved Cambridge Speaking Examiners. The difficulty level, the conditions, the certification, etc. are the same everywhere. The differences among authorised exam centres lay in the service and the fees. For many people, the relationship with the candidates is also a factor when deciding where to register them.

One of the authorised Cambridge centres is the Universidad de Piura. If you want to have further information, please write to me at Registrations for both adult and For School versions are open until 28 September.


Cesar Klauer

Sep 10, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Primer Encuentro de Innovadore​s Educativos

Dear friends

Last Friday I took part in an event called Primer Encuentro de Innovadores Educativos organized by the School of Education of Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. The aim of the event was to promote the exchange of proposals for improvement and innovation of educational issues, which is always a good thing since we are not always updated with what our colleagues are doing in the research and innovation area.

I was gladly surprised to find out that out of the eight proposals presented in the event, there were five that were based on specific English contexts: Global Perspectives IGCSE, Language Portfolios, Inferential Reading for FCE, Editing codes for writing and Reading Circles, all of them as research work for licensure. It is really good to know that more and more people in the ELT field are doing high quality research and it would be even better to have all this public since it is encouraging to know about colleagues doing things that will contribute to the improvement of the teaching and learning of English.

M. Ed. Maria Luisa Mu

Aug 31, 2012


Greetings my dear Colleagues:

I know you are tired of working long our for a low salary, let me tell you that I just got a new business proposal from a good friend of mine.

Here you are the link of that

So please send your comments or questions to my email
since this proposal can be applyable to any country around the world even through internet.

Kind Regards

Prof. Giovanni Gonzales
Lima - Peru

Aug 22, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Cambridge English Teacher

22 August 2012

In this Issue

Jack Richards: Where do I go from here?

Things to do on Cambridge English Teacher

Did you know?

Other news

Jack Richards: Where do I go from here?

29 August 2012: 2pm (UK time)

Join us on 29 August when Jack Richards will examine the nature of professional development, both from the perspective of an institution, as well as that of the classroom teacher.

Jack will also be discussing a number of strategies for teacher-initiated professional development, so don't miss out on this exciting webinar by registering today.

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Things to do on Cambridge English Teacher

Download the latest webinar recordings:

•Russell Stannard's Connected Classroom

•Nicky Hockly's Teaching Online

•Mike McCarthy's Written Grammar versus Spoken Grammar.

Visit the resource section to download today.

Get involved in the latest discussion

In a recent article, Nick Robinson explored methodologies for teaching English for Special Purposes (ESP). If this is something of interest to you or you have a question or view on the subject, come and take part in the latest discussion forum.

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Did you know?

Your journal is a handy tool which can help you keep notes on key things you have learnt.

You can use your journal to:

•focus on your responses and reflections to new ideas and subjects

•capture important notes from workshops, courses, books and articles

•make a note of important conversations

•record relevant and significant experiences in the workplace.

Maintaining a journal will really help you to:

•keep a record of your thoughts and ideas

•demonstrate how you have developed over time

•identify areas that you might need to develop further.

Sign in to access your journal on Cambridge English Teacher.

Why don't you start recording your thoughts and ideas today Cesar?

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Other news

Essential maintenance

The courses on Cambridge English Teacher will be unavailable from 6.30am until 9.30am (UK time) on 30 August 2012.

We are really sorry for any inconvenience. We are going to work hard to make sure everything is back to normal as quickly as possible. All other parts of the site will be available during this time. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Help us to help you

We are always looking for ways to improve our service to you. If there is something that you would like to know more about in our regular newsletter then please submit your request to, and we will try to include it in a future issue.

Many thanks,

The Cambridge English Teacher team

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[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Recommended Book

Dear colleagues,

A highly recommended book you can download 'Focus on the teacher'

Teaching English – British Council

Focus on the teacher

The different contributors focus on different aspects of the teacher training process. Some look at specific methodologies and technologies for the ELT classroom; others at training design; and others at exploring teacher attitudes and motivation.

Have a happy reading!

Leo Marín Manuel López

IATEFL-PERU President and Vice President

Jul 15, 2012


Hola Norma

Gracias por el mensaje enviado

Algunas respuestas que se deber considerar para cualquier gestion

1. Tener en cuenta el número de profesores que se requiere en primaria está relacionado a la cantidad de Colegios (mínimo uno por cada centro) y sus respectivos presupuestos . Hay que cerciorarse si hay o no de otra manera no se va a lograr (actualmente algunos colegios primarios Estatales hacen que los Padres de Familia paguen al profesor de Inglés una propina y esto no es adecuado) No hay presupuesto para ésto.

2. Igualmente las Instituciones Superiores y Universidades, no tienen presupuesto para ofrecer esta especialidad (primaria)cuando la prioridad es Leng, Mat etc y no Idioma extranjero ( se piensa que las Academias e Institutos deben formar a los alumnos en la parte Lingüística y ellos solo en lo Metodológico y lo están logrando al ofrecer cursos a distancia en Universidades públicas y privadas)

3. Esto está relacionado a la anterior. No se tiene o forma a profesores altamente calificados , creen que es suficiente un Certificado de suficiencia o Internacional.

4. Los programas en lengua materna tienen deficiencias en las regiones y es por eso que el Ministerio de Educ les da más prioridad.

5. Se tiene informes que hay profesores excedentes tanto de Universidades como de Institutos, igualmente los alumnos que egresan de las Academias ICPNA, Británico etc son excedentes (ellos enseñan Inglés en los Centros Educativos privados y estatales para su precisión solicitar a las UGEL el informe de solicitudes de trabajo cada año)

6. Han habido y hay programas reestructuradas en cada Gobierno, (no se tomó en cuenta a proyectos exitosos por introducir nuevos libros, recibir nuevo apoyo externo que no son tan eficientes y consecuentes, utilizan el mismo sistema pero con diferente estilo, en la enseñanza no hay tanto cambio) Los docentes entrenadores en su mayoría no tienen autorización para hacer entrenamiento en cualquier colegio, solo tienen autorización el grupo que pertenece al actual programa o Convenio

Espero haberte alcanzado algunos reportes que recibo de algunos docentes



Jul 13, 2012


Hola Norma

Gracias por el mensaje enviado

Algunas respuestas que se deber considerar para cualquier gestion

1. Tener en cuenta el número de profesores que se requiere en primaria está relacionado a la cantidad de Colegios (mínimo uno por cada centro) y sus respectivos presupuestos . Hay que cerciorarse si hay o no de otra manera no se va a lograr (actualmente algunos colegios primarios Estatales hacen que los Padres de Familia paguen al profesor de Inglés una propina y esto no es adecuado) No hay presupuesto para ésto.

2. Igualmente las Instituciones Superiores y Universidades, no tienen presupuesto para ofrecer esta especialidad (primaria)cuando la prioridad es Leng, Mat etc y no Idioma extranjero ( se piensa que las Academias e Institutos deben formar a los alumnos en la parte Lingüística y ellos solo en lo Metodológico y lo están logrando al ofrecer cursos a distancia en Universidades públicas y privadas)

3. Esto está relacionado a la anterior. No se tiene o forma a profesores altamente calificados , creen que es suficiente un Certificado de suficiencia o Internacional.

4. Los programas en lengua materna tienen deficiencias en las regiones y es por eso que el Ministerio de Educ les da más prioridad.

5. Se tiene informes que hay profesores excedentes tanto de Universidades como de Institutos, igualmente los alumnos que egresan de las Academias ICPNA, Británico etc son excedentes (ellos enseñan Inglés en los Centros Educativos privados y estatales para su precisión solicitar a las UGEL el informe de solicitudes de trabajo cada año)

6. Han habido y hay programas reestructuradas en cada Gobierno, (no se tomó en cuenta a proyectos exitosos por introducir nuevos libros, recibir nuevo apoyo externo que no son tan eficientes y consecuentes, utilizan el mismo sistema pero con diferente estilo, en la enseñanza no hay tanto cambio) Los docentes entrenadores en su mayoría no tienen autorización para hacer entrenamiento en cualquier colegio, solo tienen autorización el grupo que pertenece al actual programa o Convenio

Espero haberte alcanzado algunos reportes que recibo de algunos docentes


Jul 11, 2012


Queridos colegas,

Habría que añadir otras preguntas a las de Luis Negrini y a las inquietudes de Sara Costa:

¿Cuántos profesores de ingles se necesitarían para abarcar desde por lo menos 4to de primaria?

¿Cuántas instituciones superiores deberían ofrecer la especialidad?

¿Cuántos docentes-catedráticos se necesitarían para que enseñen y preparen a los profesores de ingles en estas instituciones? ¿Los tenemos?

¿Es necesario enseñar ingles en todas las regiones, en todos los departamentos?

¿Son los programas de lengua materna debidamente desarrollados para que a partir de 4to de primaria con una excelente base de capacidades desarrolladas en los dos primeros niveles de primaria se pueda construir la adquisición de una segunda lengua (o tercera en caso de quechua, aymara y otras lenguas)?

¿Saben cuántos docentes egresan de Educación en general en los diferentes institutos pedagógicos y universidades del país? ¿Cuántos postulan?

¿Saben cuántos programas ELT totalmente financiados por instituciones extranjeras que incluyó capacitación de profesores, libros y becas para los alumnos, becas de post grado, oficina con teléfono en el MED con biblioteca para los profesores,etc, con excelentes resultados no solamente en Lima sino en otros departamenots del país dejaron de funcionar al cambiar cada gobierno en las tres últimas decadas del siglo XX ? ¿Que pasó con el efecto multiplicador?

¿Podría cada Colegio Premium tener un Colegio Hermano para alumnos de escasos recursos? Sé que unos pocos lo tienen, necesitamos más.

Me agradaría recibir algunas respuestas y compararlas con las que he venido experimentando a través de mi larga carrera magisterial, primero en el estado y luego en la docencia privada.

Sigamos trabajando por la educación de nuestro querido Perú, por que a todos los niños y adolescentes les demos las herramientas de progreso que necesitan.

Norma Bustamante

From: Joanna Tapia


Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 7:22 PM




Jul 6, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] English teaching in State schools and[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Happy Teacher´s Day

Dear friends

I have read with great interest the comments about English teaching in State schools and am really happy at the response of people from different backgrounds, thanks for enlightening the rest of us on the importance of being aware of the overall situation of Education in Peru and the role we all play in this.

I visited the web page of the Ministery of Education to check the document- signed in 2007- that summarizes the plan the government has for the Education of our children until 2021: Proyecto Educativo Nacional al 2021, La Educación que queremos para el Perú, where the authorities list the strategic objectives for Education such as Equal opportunities, Quality and pertinence of learning contents, Teacher training, Descentralization, the desire of higher education teaching aiming at enhancing competitiveness of our students in the globalized world and the Involvement of the community in education; several of these are issues have already been pointed out by some of the participants of this ELTeCS discussion. It is a pity there is nothing specific about teaching English as a foreign language.

My modest contribution is to thank all those who shared their comments and experience and my wish that some of these reached the people who make decisions in the Ministry because I think that more information means

Like all of you I believe it is important to do whatever is within our reach to improve the situation of education in Peru but I am convinced that it starts with us; the current situation of education in Peru constitutes a great challenge especially for teachers who need to be constantly updating to meet the needs of the students. As we all know,teaching is no longer writing a lesson plan or a quiz, teaching a class and then going back home. On the contrary, the real challenge is teaching involving social, economic and cultural aspects so as to achieve an educational context that would help students become better citizens. Unfortunately as we all know, this is easier said than done.

So thanks to all those who have been exchanging ideas in this ELTeCS forum and congratulations Cesar on this. Having a platform where we can exchange ideas and opinions is one of the main facilities of this scheme so it is also our responsibility to pass on the word to have more subscriptors, this is another way we can help ourselves to improve.

I will be looking forward to more posts on this topic.

Best regards

M. E. Maria Luisa Mu

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever. (Ghandi)
Dear colleagues

Good teachers impart good education.

Great teachers groom their students to become leaders.

Ordinary teachers direct us along the right path, but

Great teachers inspire us to seek our own path. They encourage us to discover our talents.

(Anatole France)

Happy Teacher´s Day!!!!!

Maria Luisa Mu

Live as if you were to die tomorrow,

Learn as if you were going to live forever. (Gandhi)

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Teacher´s Day

Dear Colleagues

On behalf of ELTeCS PERU, have a great Teacher´s Day, today and every single day of the year.

Cesar Klauer

Jul 4, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] English in Public schools

Dear all,

I was a teacher at a public school for nearly 10 years, I resigned 2 years ago. It is true what you all say, but even if you have the qualifications, the books, the lack of CDs (or sound systems in your classroom), the number of students, the number of hours, which are "pedagógicas", will not contribute to our teaching.

I have to admit that in order to cover all I had to do in a semester, I ended up using the very famous grammar translation method and the audiolingual method, as it was easier for me and my students. What would you do if your 2 hours were split into 2 different days and you had to cover a number of topics before the end of the month? It is difficult to include more communicative activities, when you have loads of things to cover in such a short number of hours.

Well, that´s all for me now.


Glenda :D

Re: [ELTeCS_PE​RU] : My opinion on the Public schools issue

Dear ELTeCs_Peru colleagues,

I taught ESL in Peru for 19 years from high school to grad school levels until July 2006. I worked with Cesar and many of the people from this list, I know you might now say that "ya no tengo vela en este entierro" and even though I don't teach ESL anymore I still see myself as an ESL teacher, so this is my take on this matter anyway. The FCE level (A or B) or a good TOEFL score (90 or above) have been the minimum English language requirements in many places in Peru for years. I perfectly understand the situation is completely different at public schools, I myself went to a public high school and a public university in Lima, I know the limitations of foreign language education in public education in Peru too well.The British Council has been training/working with public schools future and practicing ESL teachers for years now. I remember they used to have agreements between several public universities/colleges precisely to improve their future ESL student teachers' English level, there used to be seminars, workshops for this purpose as well, I used to travel the country lecturing on the TOEFL exam to teachers in distant provinces/public schools that otherwise would have found it really hard to know about it, I even remember having trained several groups of students from IPN myself in the early 90s. Have all these not been enough? Why is getting an intermediate level of English such an insurmountable task for many after all these years of (to my knowledge) sustained training? I think of public teachers of different subjects too, do Math, PE, computer,etc teachers in public schools have the same problems to achieve the core/basic levels of proficiency in their subjects to be able to teach them? Do these other subjects receive the (much/little/inexistent, you tell me) help ESL teachers get? No? What is the truth behind this?I totally agree on the minimum English proficiency level required to have the right to stand in front of a language class, whether it is a kindergarten or UCLES Proficiency class, there seems to be no disagreement in there. Regards and keep up the good work,

Edgar LarreaU. of South Carolina

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Fwd: Public schools


I completely agree with Cesar. I guess I was not clear in my opinion. In relation with level of English, I did not mean KET level as the goal, I was thinking of PET "at least to begin with",like the first step, knowing the reality of pubic school especially outside Lima region.. The ideal situation is to have FCE GRADE A as a minimun requeriment.. But being completely honest this is not a close target in short term..It is absolutely true "you can not give something that you do not have"..

Victor Hugo Corzo

Cesar Klauer

Jul 1, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] The situation of English

Dear All

I knew that the posting by Luis Negrini was going to raise opinions. I am glad.

My comment is on the level of English needed to become a teacher. I know this is controversial but it is in fact an issue that has caused many aired reactions in the past. My personal opinion and feeling is that an A2 level, as suggested by a member of the group in a previous email, is way too basic. A2 corresponds to KET in the Cambridge system, or to be more specific ELEMENTARY, and being myself an examiner for these tests, I find it difficult to accept that anybody with that kind of level could be a teacher. Remember that you can´t give what you don´t have, in other words, what is somebody going to teach if s/he doesn´t have the knowledge her/himself?

Keep the activity in the list and propose other topics if you like.

See you at IATEFL next week end!

Cesar Klauer

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] English in Public schools

Dear Colleagues:

I think it is very important to be conscious that the key is not only to increase the number of hours but also to be certain that the person in front of the class is a real teacher of least with A2 level according to the CEFR. I emphasize "at least A2 lever" otherwise more hours of "English"does not mean necessarily effective teaching and would be just more of the is quality first..then quantity but of a better level....

Lic.Víctor Hugo Corzo


Previo cordial saludo a todos los lectores de esta página, me permito formular las siguientes preguntas que tienen como propósito facilitar la reflexión y el análisis sobre la situación actual de la enseñanza del idioma ingles en las instituciones educativas estatales.

1.¿Cuánto tiempo hace que la cantidad de dos horas semanales dedicadas al curso de inglés en los colegios del estado de secundaria permanece inalterable ?

2.En los colegios del estado de secundaria ¿Qué cantidad de las seis horas llamadas de libre disponibilidad se le adiciona al curso de inglés?

3.¿Son suficientes las dos horas semanales para desarrollar de manera aceptable los contenidos propuestos en los mismos libros del curso de inglés dados por el Ministerio de Educación?

4.¿Conoces de alguna iniciativa reciente tomada por las distintas agrupaciones de profesores de inglés existentes en Lima encaminada a gestionar por ante el Ministerio de Educación el incremento en la cantidad de horas dedicadas al curso de inglés en los colegios del estado de secundaria.

5.¿Se debe incluir en el Diseño Curricular Nacional la enseñanza de inglés desde el nivel de Educación Primaria?

Estoy convencido que el mejoramiento de la situación del curso de inglés en los Colegios Estatales traerá consigo un mejoramiento en nuestro desarrollo profesional como docentes del área.

Somos los profesores en ejercicio de la docencia en el sector estatal los que debemos ser los más interesados en buscar / luchar por este mejoramiento. Estemos atentos a convocatorias serias que nazcan de los mismos docentes del estado que busquen este objetivo.

Lic. Luis Negrini Arellano

Subdirector de Gestión Pedagógica