Apr 24, 2014

[ELTeCS_PERU] Happy Earth´s Day !!!

Today is Earth´s Day. Let´s do something to celebrate it : be kind to others and to the planet. Turn down the lights, turn off the taps, reuse, reduce and recycle.
I´d like to share some activities you may find useful about this celebration.
1.- An e- card with information about how to help the planet : http://www.care2.com/send/card/1222  
2.- A vocabulary quiz:
Planet Earth Vocabulary Quiz
 Directions: Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.
1. ozone
Any area of land with specific natural features.
2. atmosphere
the center part of the Earth.
3. equator
A specific area of the earth that falls between the core and the crust.
4. rotation
The specific gas that surrounds the earth.
5. mantle
The outer layer of the earth's surface.
6. drought (drouth)
to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.
7. core
Large areas of salt water that surround much of the earth's surface.
8. revolution
A type of oxygen that is produced by electricity and is in the air, mostly after a thunderstorm.
9. recycle
The made up line around the earth that shows how far the North and South poles are.
10. erosion
The central like the earth revolves around.
11. terrain
A prolonged period of time without rainfall.
12. axis
The process of moving around a center or axis.
13. crust
The gradual process of being eroded by natural forces.
14. ocean
The act of rotating around a center or axis.

and some  questions to raise awareness of Earth´s Day for kids:

Have a good day!!!

Maria Luisa Mu

[ELTeCS_PERU] Fwd: Onestopenglish bulletin: Skills

April 2014
Onestopenglish bulletin: Skills
It's time to show off our skills here on onestopenglish as we round up a selection of resources tailored to developing language, learning and life skills. Find practical classroom tips to help support your teaching in Adrian Tennant's Teaching matters series and lesson plans to cover all areas of language development in our Skills section.
Want more? Our Lesson Share section is full of skills-based activities from our community of teachers. Explore our archive and – if you've got your own teaching skills you'd like to share – enter our competition to see your own work published on our site!
Listening and Speaking
Listen up and speak out! Focus on your students' communication skills with teaching tips and activities dedicated to getting the most out of their listening and speaking practice. And if you're looking for something fresh to reinvigorate your teaching, Luke and James Vyner's IATEFL talk on Transforming EFL materials is now available on our YouTube channel!
•Cinematic listening: A ghost's guide to London
•Listening skills: Top tips
•Listening matters: Process listening
•Speaking spontaneously
•Speaking matters: Developing fluency
Reading and Writing
Find all the right resources to develop vocabulary, comprehension and literacy with articles and teaching strategies from our methodology bank. Love language? Explore our latest selection of Macmillan Dictionary BuzzWord lesson plans. This month Macmillan Dictionary Online celebrates its fifth birthday so make sure to visit the Dictionary site for more wordy resources.
•Writing matters: Types of writing: Short texts
•Vocabulary matters: What do words mean?
•Reading matters: What is reading?
•Teenagers: Reading 1: Reading in class
•Macmillan Dictionary Buzzword: anecdata
Life Skills
Continuing our Macmillan Year of Life Skills, this month it's all about having respect for others. Visit our onestopenglish life skills page for more themed lessons or head over to Macmillan English to see all of our free resources to date.
•Respect Others – We can't choose who we work with
•Get Thinking – Museums
•Know Yourself – Have you ever?...
•Get Organised – Opening a hotel
Coming up in May ...
There's more skill to come as this May we invite you to our Macmillan Life Skills Day! Join us for an entire day of thought-provoking presentations and practical workshops, featuring talks from Jeanne Perrett, Robert Campbell and Jonathan Marks and more as we explore all the benefits of teaching life skills.
Register online to attend our free event on May 14th. We'll be announcing more details including the rest of our speaker line-up in the coming weeks. Be the first to hear more and sign up to the Macmillan Education mailing list.