Oct 21, 2012

[ELTeCS_PERU] Some material to share‏

Dear friends

We are approaching the end of October and for school people it is the chance to practise English and familiarize our students with a typical celebration: Halloween. I was reading Selections of the Reader´s Digest in Spanish (october 2012) at the doctor´s waiting room when I found these pictures on the last page in the section "The last laugh". They were not intended for English teaching but as it usually happens to us, teachers, we cannot help finding "authentic material" to supplement our teaching. You can download them from mumimaria.blogspot.com together with some suggestions for their use.

In my opinion, we should try to show our students that language is communication and what we communicate is feelings and opinions of the different things we come accross. In our country we also celebrate the Procession of the Lord of the Miracles and even "El día de la Canción Criolla".These are also conversation topics that may help teachers motivate students to communicate in English.

If you need some more ideas for celebrations you can visit Learn English Kids of the British Council : http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/ You will certainly find lots of ideas, games and crafts that are all really helpful.

Maria Luisa Mu


Spanihs-En​glish free dictionari​es

Dear Prof. Giovanni,

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To see an example of how it works, please visit the site of the Library of BAJA CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY (Mexico): http://biblio.uabcs.mx/

If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Silvio Branco