July 2014 |
Welcome to July on onestopenglish! |
In most of Europe, summer is well and truly here. For many of us, this means the end of term and the close of another school year. Summer can be a time for reflection and preparation (as we never sleep), which means a search for new resources, something we have plenty of on onestopenglish!
Or, if you are teaching this summer, do take a look at our summer schools resource page. There are plenty of ideas there to suit all your students' needs.
July's Fun with grammar on past modals encourages students to make deductions using evidence cards and in Grammarman, the sea water has affected Alpha-bot's brain causing him to make errors – can students help out? If your students' speaking and communication skills are not 'out of this world', give them a hand with our latest lesson share, Alien trouble.
Summer is also the season for festivals. This month, one of our Guardian Weekly news lessons is about the UK's largest and most famous music festival, Glastonbury. Look out for it from 10th July.
Teaching teenagers, do you sometimes feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall? Beyond: Arts and Media allows them to get creative withgraffiti – as well as describe rooms and use wall idioms.
On the subject of creativity, don't forget that there is a fantastic IATEFL 2015 scholarship, called Creativity in the classroom, up for grabs. The lucky winner will be sent to next year's IATEFL conference in Manchester, UK.
For business creatives, find out how an important business figure – you all know his products – managed to remain virtually unknown in our Business Spotlight lesson The invisible man.
New for July |
American Stories: Full Circle: Parts 2, 3 and 4 |
Survival Guide: Using L1 in the classroom |
Fun with grammar: Evidence: Past modals |
Beyond: Arts and Media: Graffiti |
Business Spotlight: Invisible man |
Grammarman: Episode 32: Alpha-bot assembled |
Macmillan Dictionary BuzzWord: pop-up |
Monthly news lesson: Google introduces its driverless cards |
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New in CLIL |
Keith's corner: Dogs at Anglia School | |
More in CLIL  |
New in Community |
Lesson Share: Alien trouble |
Diary from France: Where is Brian? |
Teacher of the month: Carmelia Martincu |
Visit the Community section  |
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