Mar 20, 2018

Top 10 Weekly Articles

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Weapons Control in Ancient Greece: When an Accident was Deadly

Weapons control is a hot topic in the United States. With the recent shooting in Florida in February 2018, discussions of gun control are at an all-time high. Yet this discussion is not limited to the US; with the age of media, there has been an influx of reporting on violence as well, and the debate regarding weapons control has spread worldwide. Gun control is the primary topic of interest, and because of this, one might wonder whether previous cultures ever experienced a need for rules regarding weapon...

‘Shape-shifter’ Slaughtered in Sumatra in the Form of a Tiger!

A shocking photograph is circulating which depicts a massive disemboweled Sumatran tiger, hanging in a public hall in North Sumatra, with villagers around it “trying to determine whether it was a supernatural creature,” according to an article in The Jakarta Post. The critically endangered animal was slain, because “rangers would not kill it,” urging two residents to track the creature to its lair. According to a report in The Independent,  locals had feared it was a “siluman” otherwise...
Reading the So-Called Sumerian Seals Relating to Gods from Outer Space
In a recent article on Ancient Origins, Jason Jarrell and Sarah Farmer discussed the possibility that Zecharia Sitchin mistranslated several Sumerian Texts. According to Sitchin, there were a number of Sumerian seals that relate to the Anunnaki, whom he said came from the heavens to create man and enslave mankind to work in the mines. Although this is the opinion of Sitchin and his supporters, the Sumerian seals they cite as evidence for this enslavement relate to the simple worship of the gods by the Sumerians. These seals were actually talismans that were meant to encourage the Sumerian people to reflect on their gods and do good, no more...

Geneticist Suggests Long-Skulled Ladies Were Used as Treaty Brides in Europe

A group of 13 women stood out from the crowd in some southern German villages along the Danube River 1500 years ago. Their DNA suggests they came from another region and they were physically distinct from the norm in the area at the time. The most interesting feature was the women’s skulls – elongated for some unknown purpose – which a German scientist thinks indicates a specific role the women were meant to play in the villages...

The Theopetra Cave and the Oldest Human Construction in the World

The Theopetra Cave is an archaeological site located in Meteora, in the central Greek region of Thessaly. As a result of archaeological excavations that have been conducted over the years, it has been revealed that the Theopetra Cave has been occupied by human beings as early as 130000 years ago. In addition, evidence for human habitation in the Theopetra Cave can be traced without interruption from the Middle Palaeolithic to the end of the Neolithic period. This is significant, as it...
Nine Skeletons Discovered in a 3,600-year-old Tomb Could Be the Canaanite Elite of Megiddo
The discovery of a Middle Bronze Age tomb in the ancient Canaanite city of Megiddo provides a fascinating glimpse at what life was like for the rich and powerful before Thutmose's army overthrew its leaders in the in the early 15th century BC. Researchers are especially looking forward to learning about the origins of the ruling class at the time. Megiddo is most famous for at least three major battles on its soil: in the 15th century BC when Thutmose III fought against a huge coalition of Canaanites led by the head of Megiddo and the city of Kadesh, in 609 BC when Pharaoh Necho II fought King Josiah of the Kingdom of Judah, and when Allied troops faced the Ottoman army...

The Sharp Edge of a Viking Axe - Cut Out for More than One Job


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