1. When was William Shakespeare born?
1564 1895
2. Where
was Shakespeare born?
Cambridge Oxford
3. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
8 38
4. How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?
154 14 38
5. What's the name of the ‘Shakespeare
theatre' in London?
World Theatre The Old Theatre The Globe
6. ‘To be or not to be, that is the
question’ is from which play?
As You
Like It Henry V Hamlet
cut pay went
hide loses get
had fight
II. Fill the gaps with a verb from the box.
1. William
Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway _______________ three children.
2. Shakespeare
_______________ to London to work as an actor and a writer.
3. This play is about the idea that people
usually _______________ what they deserve in the end.
4. If Antonio doesn’t _______________ back
this money in time something terrible will happen.
5. Shylock
will _______________ off a piece of his body.
6. Antonio
_______________ all his business.
7. People
_______________ in a beautiful forest.
8. Why do men _______________?
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