The work of all Associations in Peru ( Peru Tesol, Aspic, Teach) have covered much more than this, and it was a year of considerable advancement in developing our nation-wide courses and structures, and in broadening our range of outcomes.
Iam sure next year we will have in our beloved country many dreams which will come true based on our passion :Education .
Our inmemse gratitude to all who helped PERU-ELT NETWORKS -Affiliate of IATEFL UK, making our goals happen! Special thanks to RELO(Regional English Language Office) David Fay,US Embassy , British Council -Brazil,Graeme Hodgson, BritishCouncil, Spain unforgettable Graham Stanley and British Council-UK, Michael Carrier, without his support we wouldn't have been able to have Graham Stanley , and the materials for the Stand which are being given in each event we organise, and will continue organising!
Special thanks to Renate Thummler Blum,Editor ELTeCS Latin America and Caribbean, who has supported in the friendliest and most positive way!
For us, Christmas is a moment of celebrating peace, love,among others, our apologies : we have decided to express our gratitude !
Let’s celebrate the unity of life and love!
Have the merriest Christmas enjoying with your families !
The happiest time in life is when you touch your dreams, love and the faith in God. Merry Christmas to you all!
Marketing Manager
PERU-ELTNetworks-Affiliate of IATEFL -UK
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