Dear friends,
May this Merry Christmas Wishes be so special
that you never ever feel lonely and be surrounded by loved ones always
in your families and in our inspirational world of English Language Teaching!
All the very best for this coming year, 2011
Dec 25, 2010
Dec 13, 2010
NASA: The biggest lied ever told!!!
What are the natural colors of the Moon? , do you think you know? , if you are uncertain about it, please watch this interesting documentary: MOON RISING
and give your opinion as well as for CHARIOTS OF GODS .
Thank you!!
Prof. Giovanni Gonzales
and give your opinion as well as for CHARIOTS OF GODS .
Thank you!!
Prof. Giovanni Gonzales
Dec 12, 2010
Mario Vargas Llosa delivers the Nobel Speech
Yesterday the Nobel Prize winner's 19-page speech first brought himself to tears, then the rest of the audience. "this is the speech," said a friend. "I have heard him talk about politics, literature, but I have never heard him give such a perfect piece
Dec 6, 2010
Something to say about: Idioms
Apart from sayings and proverbs, the English language is full of interesting expressions we call idioms, or idiomatic expressions. As we know, these idioms can be quite hard to get, since many of them can´t be interpreted literally. Take for instance: He was pulling my leg. Do you mean that somebody had actually grabbed your leg and started pulling it, as if to rip it off your body? Of course not. And How about: I have to hit the road. Hit the road?, with a hammer?
The thing is, English is such a colourful and varied language that, if we don´t pull up our socks and learn some of these idiomatic expressions, we can find ourselves between a rock and a hard place.
If you want a piece of the action, visit the following link (not the only one, of course) and browse the lists of idiomatic expressions, I´m sure it´ll make your day.
Now, the ball is in your court.
The thing is, English is such a colourful and varied language that, if we don´t pull up our socks and learn some of these idiomatic expressions, we can find ourselves between a rock and a hard place.
If you want a piece of the action, visit the following link (not the only one, of course) and browse the lists of idiomatic expressions, I´m sure it´ll make your day.
Now, the ball is in your court.
Nov 21, 2010
[ELTeCS_PERU] Something to say about...

Nov 19, 2010
One thousand pedestrians fined on first day of Peru's new transit code
More than 1,000 pedestrians fined
Some pedestrians were surprised. Others unexpectedly laughed or, in the worst cases, became terribly annoyed.
Some pedestrians were surprised. Others unexpectedly laughed or, in the worst cases, became terribly annoyed.
Nov 18, 2010
Think 21st Century Skills
We keep on providing you with more definitions regarding the 21st Century movement.
The new millennium was ushered in by a dramatic technological revolution.
We now live in an increasingly diverse, globalized, and complex, media-saturated society. According to Dr. Douglas Kellner at UCLA this technological revolution will have a greater impact on society than the transition from an oral to a print culture.
Today's kindergarteners will be retiring in the year 2067. We have no idea of what the world will look in five years, much less 60 years, yet we are charged with preparing our students for life in that world. Our students are facing many emerging issues such as global warming, famine, poverty, health issues, a global population explosion and other environmental and social issues.
The new millennium was ushered in by a dramatic technological revolution.
We now live in an increasingly diverse, globalized, and complex, media-saturated society. According to Dr. Douglas Kellner at UCLA this technological revolution will have a greater impact on society than the transition from an oral to a print culture.
Today's kindergarteners will be retiring in the year 2067. We have no idea of what the world will look in five years, much less 60 years, yet we are charged with preparing our students for life in that world. Our students are facing many emerging issues such as global warming, famine, poverty, health issues, a global population explosion and other environmental and social issues.
Nov 15, 2010
[ELTeCS_PERU] Bilingualism
Dear ELTeCS PERU Members
Our Friend and colleague Carmen Cáceda has sent us an interesting article on bilingualism.
The link HERE
will take you to the article web site.
Thanks to Carmen, and good reading to us all:
Cesar Klauer
Our Friend and colleague Carmen Cáceda has sent us an interesting article on bilingualism.
The link HERE
will take you to the article web site.
Thanks to Carmen, and good reading to us all:
Cesar Klauer
Nov 8, 2010
[ELTeCS_PERU] Something to say about: Reduced forms
Dear ELTeCS PERU Members
To continue with our review of features of the English language we teach, this time we talk about reduced forms.
Read blog post HERE
As always, comments are more than welcome.
Cesar Klauer
To continue with our review of features of the English language we teach, this time we talk about reduced forms.
Read blog post HERE
As always, comments are more than welcome.
Cesar Klauer
Nov 3, 2010
[ELTeCS_PERU] Dirty language in my class?????
Something to say about: Dirty language
I was a student back on those days, but I still remember a friend of mine who once, after the lesson had finished, approached the teacher and asked: “What´s fakinaso, teacher?
I was a student back on those days, but I still remember a friend of mine who once, after the lesson had finished, approached the teacher and asked: “What´s fakinaso, teacher?
Nov 2, 2010
Dear ELTeCS PERU Members
Cesar Klauer
Just a short note to remind you of the latest news about ELTeCS PERU.
To begin with, you have been getting links to my personal TEFL blog where I have been dealing with some interesting issues realted to our professional activity (and have tried to combine them with some funny tips). I´ll keep on the same track, so I hope this will appeal to you. If you have any suggestions on topics or comments, don´t hesitate to use the "comments" facility on the blog or send me an email.
Then, I have to remind you that ELTeCS is on Facebook also. Just look for our profile and become a follower. This may become a very good way of building up our community more efficiently.
Finally, I ask for your cooperation once again in trying to reach more teachers who are out there somewhere and don´t get the news on ELTeCS like yourselves. Please, invite them to be part of our group. They only have to send a blank emai to
Cesar Klauer
Oct 31, 2010
Noam Chomsky and language acquisition revisited
Dear ELTeCS PERU members
You sure remember Noam Chomsky, don´t you?. This post is related to his theories and directs you to a funny interview with him on a comedy show called Da Ali G Show.
Cesar Klauer
You sure remember Noam Chomsky, don´t you?. This post is related to his theories and directs you to a funny interview with him on a comedy show called Da Ali G Show.
Cesar Klauer
Oct 27, 2010
[ELTeCS_PERU] English accents
Dear ELTeCS PERU Member
Our post of 24th October was a light-hearted look at American - British English differences. This time, the post looks at spoken language and the difficult topic of accents.We include links to audio samples of many varied accents from around the English speaking world.
Our post of 24th October was a light-hearted look at American - British English differences. This time, the post looks at spoken language and the difficult topic of accents.We include links to audio samples of many varied accents from around the English speaking world.
Oct 24, 2010
[ELTeCS_PERU] American VS British English
Whenever I meet somebody and they know I am a teacher of English, they ask me if I teach American or British. I try to explain that those two are variations of basically the same language, but they looke at me with an expert air to which anybody can hardly find a good answer, I mean... people will believe whatever they want, won´t they?
Oct 21, 2010
[ELTeCS_PERU] Something to say about: The FCE exam
Dear ELTeCS PERU Members
The season for Cambridge international exams is at our doorstep. As you know, there are several authorized centres for Cambridge exams: The ACPB, SENATI, some schools that examine their own students, and the Universidad de Piura, both in Piura and in Lima. This post will concentrate on FCE and some tips for the teachers who are preparing students for this exam.
The season for Cambridge international exams is at our doorstep. As you know, there are several authorized centres for Cambridge exams: The ACPB, SENATI, some schools that examine their own students, and the Universidad de Piura, both in Piura and in Lima. This post will concentrate on FCE and some tips for the teachers who are preparing students for this exam.
Oct 13, 2010
Mario Vargas Llosa wins the Nobel Prize for Literature
On Oct. 7, quite early in the morning, the call from the Swedish Academy surprised him in his New York apartment. He thought it was a joke. After so many years with his name on the bets, the Peruvian writer did not even remember that it was in early October that the greatest literary prize is announced. And this time it was his turn. At 74 years old, the author of “The Green House” receives an acknowledgement that all Latin Americans were demanding for him for the last three decades. In Peru, every journalist dreamt of writing this headline: “Mario Vargas Llosa obtains the Literature Nobel Prize.” Finally.
Oct 3, 2010
INTERVIEWS: One of these two women will be mayor of Lima
This Sunday, Oct. 3, Lima residents will choose their new mayor. The race is led decisively by two candidates, Susana Villarán for Fuerza Social and Lourdes Flores for Partido Popular Cristiano, PPC. It is likely that for only the second time, Lima will be governed by a woman.
Over the past month, the campaign has turned rough. Lourdes Flores, a lawyer and two-time presidential candidate, has been questioned about a former client who is being investigated for links to narcotrafficking and was recently wiretapped. Villarán, a leftist, has been labeled a radical by opponents.
In the following interviews, meet the two candidates.
Over the past month, the campaign has turned rough. Lourdes Flores, a lawyer and two-time presidential candidate, has been questioned about a former client who is being investigated for links to narcotrafficking and was recently wiretapped. Villarán, a leftist, has been labeled a radical by opponents.
In the following interviews, meet the two candidates.
Sep 11, 2010
Thousands celebrate Peru’s cuisine at Mistura
President Alan Garcia and Gaston Acurio were both present for the opening day of this year’s Mistura 2010. Through Sunday at Lima's Parque de la Exposicion, the food fair is bigger and bigger than ever.
Sep 4, 2010
How to volunteer in Peru: Rebuilding Pisco
The city of Pisco is still recovering from the shattering 2007 earthquake. Here is an volunteer organization that does with rebuilding projects and more.
Aug 29, 2010
Journalism: English for the 21st Century
‘The two main drives in teenagers’ lives are for independence and acceptance; our approach to journalism supports these drives through favoring freedom of expression and showcasing student work on a variety of public platforms.’
By Esther Wojcicki
By Esther Wojcicki
[ELTeCS_PERU] Language and thought: Does your language shape what you think?
Seventy years ago, in 1940, a popular science magazine published a short article that set in motion one of the trendiest intellectual fads of the 20th century. At first glance, there seemed little about the article to augur its subsequent celebrity. Neither the title, “Science and Linguistics,” nor the magazine, M.I.T.’s Technology Review, was most people’s idea of glamour. And the author, a chemical engineer who worked for an insurance company and moonlighted as an anthropology lecturer at Yale University, was an unlikely candidate for international superstardom. And yet Benjamin Lee Whorf let loose an alluring idea about language’s power over the mind, and his stirring prose seduced a whole generation into believing that our mother tongue restricts what we are able to think.
Aug 20, 2010
Investing in Peru: Interview with KPMG
The auditing and professional services firm KPMG began operating in Peru in 1972. In this interview, Tim Treharne, Managing Director of KPMG's Latin America operations, talks about infrastructure projects and the investment climate in Peru.
By Silvia Mendoza Martínez, El Comercio
Adapted from Spanish by Diana Schwalb
By Silvia Mendoza Martínez, El Comercio
Adapted from Spanish by Diana Schwalb
Aug 11, 2010
Foreigners Living in Peru: A young Texan who embraces Spanglish
Allison Garrett first discovered a love for the Spanish language when studying abroad in Costa Rica. After another stint in Bolivia, she knew Latin America was the place for her, and came to Peru in 2008 as a Rotary scholar. Originally from Texas, she now lives in Lima full time and runs a communications business. Not bad for only 26 years old.
Allison took the time to answer questions about Peru, speaking Spanglish and being a foreign woman in Lima.
Allison took the time to answer questions about Peru, speaking Spanglish and being a foreign woman in Lima.
Jul 6, 2010
[ELTeCS_PERU] Happy Teacher´s Day
Dear Colleagues
Back in 1953, President Manuel Odría, established the 6th of July as the official Teacher´s Day. It was created to honour and pay tribute to the teachers of our country. The date was chosen because, on the same day in 1822, Gral. Jose de San Martín founded the first Teachers´ College in Peru.Today, once more, it is time to feel proud of our profesion and, also, to reflect about it.
The link below will take you to a very interesting article appeared in Revista Generaccion, written by a teacher.
Enjoy it and feel happy you have the chance, many don´t ever have, to do something for the good of others and the country.
Happy Teacher´s Day to us.
Cesar Klauer
Back in 1953, President Manuel Odría, established the 6th of July as the official Teacher´s Day. It was created to honour and pay tribute to the teachers of our country. The date was chosen because, on the same day in 1822, Gral. Jose de San Martín founded the first Teachers´ College in Peru.Today, once more, it is time to feel proud of our profesion and, also, to reflect about it.
The link below will take you to a very interesting article appeared in Revista Generaccion, written by a teacher.
Enjoy it and feel happy you have the chance, many don´t ever have, to do something for the good of others and the country.
Happy Teacher´s Day to us.
Cesar Klauer
Jun 27, 2010
Good evening:
I got a question for you: What is the importance of keeping children aware about the "ON LINE DANGERS"? , does this sound familiar to you?; in case it is not, please takea look at this video and give me your comments.
See you in class!!
Prof. Giovanni Gonzales
I got a question for you: What is the importance of keeping children aware about the "ON LINE DANGERS"? , does this sound familiar to you?; in case it is not, please takea look at this video and give me your comments.
See you in class!!
Prof. Giovanni Gonzales
Hello my dear students and colleagues:
I hope you enjoy it.
Prof. Giovanni Gonzales
Don`t you think that our children are consuming so much nowadays?, why is that so? ; if you have not realized yet about this matter, allow me to show you this video regarding this issue and please be so kind to write your comment about it.
I hope you enjoy it.
Prof. Giovanni Gonzales
May 30, 2010
How much does Peru pay for corruption?
Peru has lost 3 to 4 percent of GDP annually because of graft and corrupt — since 1820 — according to a recent book. Does it have to be this way? Columnist Leon Trahtemberg weighs in..
May 13, 2010
Dophins in Peru: A biologist sees tourism as the way to conservation
While killing dolphins for their meat was made illegal in Peru in 1996, you can still find dolphin meat for as cheap as four soles per kilo in the black market. “Now, fishermen don’t touch the bottlenose dolphin, they hunt the darker dolphins instead,” says the German biologist Stefan Austermühle. “Once offshore, they cut out the meat in the ship’s hold and throw the bodies back in the sea to get rid of the evidence.” Austermühle has identified more than 1,500 dolphins off Peru's coast between Chorrillos and Paracas. (He also takes the amazing photos, shown above.) With an NGO formed with his Peruvian wife, they hope to start dolphin watching as a option for tourists and a strategy for dolphin conservation.
Apr 29, 2010
Motivating Teenagers
Many teenagers will have had several years of contact with learning English before they start high school. These experiences may not always have been successful or enjoyable. Consequently, students may bring to the classroom preconceived ideas about whether learning English is fun or not, and whether they are "good" at languages or not. If their experience of learning English has not been positive, their level of interest and motivation may be low.
On the other hand, their previous experience of learning English may have been a positive one, in which case their level of motivation when they join the class may be quite high.
In either case, it is essential that their new English course contains topics which are interesting to them, and exercises which are intellectually challenging and which have "real-world" value in their eyes.
When you design your classes, include topics and tasks which interest, challenge and motivate students.
Here are some other ideas:
Use authentic photographs, magazine articles, website articles and emails
Try to bring in stories with characters students can identify themselves with
Focus on situations, topics and emotional issues which students will recognize and respond to
Present authentic functional language and everyday expressions which young British and American people use in conversations
Include topics which expand students' knowledge of the world
Contributed by Fuscoe, Kilbey, Freebairn, Bygrave & Copage, coauthors of the series for teenagers Upbeat
On the other hand, their previous experience of learning English may have been a positive one, in which case their level of motivation when they join the class may be quite high.
In either case, it is essential that their new English course contains topics which are interesting to them, and exercises which are intellectually challenging and which have "real-world" value in their eyes.
When you design your classes, include topics and tasks which interest, challenge and motivate students.
Here are some other ideas:
Use authentic photographs, magazine articles, website articles and emails
Try to bring in stories with characters students can identify themselves with
Focus on situations, topics and emotional issues which students will recognize and respond to
Present authentic functional language and everyday expressions which young British and American people use in conversations
Include topics which expand students' knowledge of the world
Contributed by Fuscoe, Kilbey, Freebairn, Bygrave & Copage, coauthors of the series for teenagers Upbeat
Getting health care in Peru
You may have moved to Peru and life is great. But what happened to your health care plan? This week Rodney Dodig, pictured here, tells us about his experience getting a yearly health plan at Clinica Good Hope for $285. Since then, Rodney has visited the clinic and has been impressed with the service — in English — and the up-to-date equipment. Read more about this health care option in Lima. (Note: This is not an endorsement for Clinica Good Hope, but rather one person's experience.)
Are you trying to quit smoking? Back in February Carsten Korch's father was visiting Lima and decided to give laser therapy a try. Freedom Terapias Láser is a U.S. franchise with a branch in Lima. After four sessions of treatment, Mr. Korch Sr. is back in Denmark and still abstaining from smoking (although still suffering from withdrawal). Read more about this new procedure to quit smoking.
Are you trying to quit smoking? Back in February Carsten Korch's father was visiting Lima and decided to give laser therapy a try. Freedom Terapias Láser is a U.S. franchise with a branch in Lima. After four sessions of treatment, Mr. Korch Sr. is back in Denmark and still abstaining from smoking (although still suffering from withdrawal). Read more about this new procedure to quit smoking.
Apr 15, 2010
Trying to find a job in Peru, finding long hours and secret salaries
This week Victoria Lugovskaya writes about her job search difficulties as a new expat in Peru. It's quite different from the ways things are done back in Moscow. Lugovskaya writes about curious CV submission conventions, little transparency for salary offers and even some confusion by managers about the numbers of hour in a work week. “Listen, the official work time is 48 hours a week,” explained the director. “Maximum?” “Minimum. It’s according to Peruvian law.” Readers, both Peruvians and foreigners, will surely empathize with some of what Victoria says. But she also leaves on a positive note about the Peruvian work ethic: “What I like about Peruvians’ attitude to work is their sense of commitment and global understanding that work is important – to earn a living and to help each other.”
Mar 11, 2010
Wanted: Who stole my laptop at Starbucks yesterday morning?
Yesterday, in the span of 45 seconds, a thief swiped my laptop in a Lima Starbucks. After some investigative work, I have a video here (please watch it) identifying a potential witness to the robbery. Most unfortunately, the establishment itself does not have a surveillance camera inside or outside to record these thieves in action, but it is my hope that Starbucks will consider to install these cameras to prevent others from loosing valuable effects while enjoying a cup of coffee in a nice environment among friends and family. Be aware that robberies like this one happen every day, and not only in Lima, so take good care of your personal belongings and do not trust anyone to look after your things. There are distractions every minute, and some which are planned specifically to rob you.
Feb 25, 2010
A foreign face: Looking different in Peru
Feb 17, 2010
Climate Change: Taking an active role in Peru to preserve the planet
Since 1990, the planet has seen its highest average temperatures ever. Peru is one of the most vulnerable countries to this because of the great amount of glaciers the territory has. And, as a response to that, various organizations are taking active roles of prevention. International groups have created numerous approaches to counteract the effects of climate change. But to guarantee a positive result, they need to get people involved in this global matter. So the question remains: Why isn’t everyone involved yet? In this analysis, Roxana Ormeño talks to environmentalists about what campaigns are being done in Peru, and what ordinary citizens can do to live environmentally sound.
Feb 13, 2010
[ELTeCS_PERU] CAMELOT'S new division "Standards Peru"
CAMELOT Teacher Training Centre launches its new Division named STANDARDS PERU “Quality English for Everyone”, a division that seeks to guarantee and certify the educational quality offered by educational institutions and ELT Professionals.
This Division is a response to the need of the educational population to acquire a second language (English), based on International Quality Standards. Therefore an evaluation process will be set in order to obtain the ELT QUALITY CERTIFICATE issued by Camelot Teacher Training Center and valid nationwide.
With this new division CAMELOT wants to become the first Peruvian educational institution honestly concerned about helping teachers of English by identifying their strengths and weaknesses and giving them the chance to overcome those limitations, having as support its 18 years of experience and more than 2,000 teachers officially certified as English Instructors by Camelot and the Ministry of Education.
Time has come for the private sector to get involved in this project that will benefit all the youth of our nation.
Soon, for more information, please visit our website:
CAMELOT Teacher Training Centre
Arturo Field
This Division is a response to the need of the educational population to acquire a second language (English), based on International Quality Standards. Therefore an evaluation process will be set in order to obtain the ELT QUALITY CERTIFICATE issued by Camelot Teacher Training Center and valid nationwide.
With this new division CAMELOT wants to become the first Peruvian educational institution honestly concerned about helping teachers of English by identifying their strengths and weaknesses and giving them the chance to overcome those limitations, having as support its 18 years of experience and more than 2,000 teachers officially certified as English Instructors by Camelot and the Ministry of Education.
Time has come for the private sector to get involved in this project that will benefit all the youth of our nation.
Soon, for more information, please visit our website:
CAMELOT Teacher Training Centre
Arturo Field
[ELTeCS_PERU] REMINDER: Invitation to the Web chat on Reciprocal Teaching!
Cesar Klauer to ELTeCS_PERU
Dear Colleagues,
The Regional English Language Office and the Information Resource Center from the US Embassy in Lima are very pleased to invite you to Part II of the Web chat on Reciprocal Teaching.
This Web chat on Reciprocal Teaching: Supporting Text Comprehension, Part II, will be presented by Sandy Anderson, Senior English Language Fellow.
It will be held on Wednesday, February 10 from 4:00 to 4:45 p.m., and it will be repeated on Friday, February 12 from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m.
Please join us by clicking on the following link:; choose “Enter as a Guest”. Use your name and your city as your user name, for example Marcela Lima or Marcela RELO Lima.
We are looking forward to seeing you there, and your feedback will be deeply appreciated.
Marcela Raffo
RELO Assistant
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
US Embassy, Lima-Peru
Dear Colleagues,
The Regional English Language Office and the Information Resource Center from the US Embassy in Lima are very pleased to invite you to Part II of the Web chat on Reciprocal Teaching.
This Web chat on Reciprocal Teaching: Supporting Text Comprehension, Part II, will be presented by Sandy Anderson, Senior English Language Fellow.
It will be held on Wednesday, February 10 from 4:00 to 4:45 p.m., and it will be repeated on Friday, February 12 from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m.
Please join us by clicking on the following link:; choose “Enter as a Guest”. Use your name and your city as your user name, for example Marcela Lima or Marcela RELO Lima.
We are looking forward to seeing you there, and your feedback will be deeply appreciated.
Marcela Raffo
RELO Assistant
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
US Embassy, Lima-Peru
Jan 13, 2010
Being an expat: Do you miss "it," home?
"Don’t ya miss it?”
My friend recently asked me this question. Then he waited, looking at me expectantly as I pondered the answer.
I, of course, realized that he was referring to my previous life in California and how it compares to living in Lima as an expatriate.
Jan 6, 2010
The Second Tongue: Communicating in a bilingual relationship
I haven’t a clue what you are saying.
Que me dijiste?
What did you say?
No te entiendo. Que dices?
I don’t understand. Please repeat.That’s not what I meant at all.
These are parts of dialogues from couples suffering from “The Second Tongue.”
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