Dear Colleagues,
Come on! Have a go !!! This year we have TWO Scholarships for Latin America..!and many more opportunities
List of Scholarships
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Please see our current list of scholarships for the the 50th anniversary conference in Birmingham 2016 below. For information on how to apply, please click here.
Please note that for those who need to submit a speaker proposal as part of their application, the speaker proposal form will be available from the beginning of June along with the guidelines.
Africa Scholarship
BESIG Facilitators Scholarship
BESIG IATEFL 50th Anniversary Scholarship
Bill Lee Scholarship
Eastbourne School of English - Graham Smith Scholarship
ESOL SIG Conference Scholarship
Gillian Porter Ladousse Scholarship
Gill Sturtridge First-Time Speaker Scholarship
GISIG Esther Lucas Scholarship
IELTS Morgan Terry Memorial IATEFL Scholarship
International House Brita Haycraft Better Spoken English
International House Global Reach Scholarship
International House John Haycraft Classroom Exploration Scholarship
International House Training and Development
Latin America Scholarship
Leadership and Management SIG Scholarship
Learning Technologies SIG Diana Eastment Scholarship
Learning Technologies SIG Travel Scholarship
LT123 Brazil Scholarship
NATESOL Teacher Development Scholarship
One Dragon Scholarships
Onestopenglish Scholarship
Oxford University Press ELT Journal Scholarship
Ray Tongue Scholarship
St Giles Paul Lindsay Scholarship
Teacher Development SIG Michael Berman Scholarship
Testing, Evaluation and Assessment SIG Scholarship
The English Language Centre, Brighton - Robert O'Neill Scholarship
Trinity College London Language Examinations Scholarship
Trinity College London Teacher Trainer Scholarship
Vladimir Vnukov Scholarship