Mar 28, 2013


Dear ELTeCS PERU Members

There is one  more (useful) way to use Facebook! Get online, read about your friends, laugh at funny memes AND get to know the news in our ELT World!
Look for us on Facebook and be connected.

Mar 1, 2013


Congratulations to Víctor Hugo, indeed!
Cesar Klauer
Dear colleagues,
Two years ago I launched PETsNet that stands for Peruvian English Teachers Network. This name was chosen in the spirit of NING Platform that empowers educators to create academic and social networks. 
PETsNet is engaged in Language Teacher Education, Teacher Training, Professional Development, Personal Learning Network, ICT in Education, and aims to inspire, innovate, empower, & transform the professional development of English teachers nationwide and worldwide. 
Over two years, hundreds of English teachers visited and/or joined PETsNet, and I have gladly met colleagues from all over Peru and abroad. A great deal of their professional experiences and contributions are published on PETsNet Ning. I think that most of PETsNeters have reached the conclusion that working together for the common good is a must. 
The Two Year Anniversary of PETsNet marks a significant point in my PD improving, and provides a testament to the success of the purposes of PETsNet. Up to now, PETsNet has grown to 550 members including novice and experienced English teachers from different schools, language centers, institutes, universities, etc.  
I always had dreams for PETsNet, but I never realized what could actually happen in a relatively short period of time. I try to do my best, but I couldn't do it alone. Finally, I am truly grateful for all the solidarity and support from all users of PETsNet.
Happy PETsNet anniversary!!
Victor Hugo Rojas
Founder of PETsNet

[ELTeCS_PERU] Congratulations TESOL Peru‏

Congratulations TESOL Peru on your 22nd Anniversary.
I know from my own experience how hard it is to keep a non-profit organization going but you have done it and there are many teachers who have benefit from this. Keep on with the good work!!
All the best
M. Ed. Maria Luisa Mu

[ELTeCS_PERU] Sharing information‏

Dear colleagues
It is certainly good to know that besides ELTeCS we have another platform to receive and provide information about ELT and our teaching practices, congratulations to Victor in his second PETsNET anniversary!!
Classes start next week and most parents are worried about stretching their budgets to buy all the material and stationery that their children will need. However, I read in El Comercio on Monday that Education for children should no longer be based on pen and paper. The writer of this article (La Educación en un mundo cambiante) quoted Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs, who was one of the lecturers of the Seminar: Curriculum del siglo XXI: Educacion Esencial para un Mundo Cambiante held last year in Lima. The quote was: "The world is constantly changing and the enemy is the pencil" since, in his opinion, once something is in writing,it becomes static and outdated.
The writer of the article (Lea Sulmont, Facultad de Educación UPC) said she was worried about the curriculum and its effectiveness at integrating the necessary competences for this changing world. The writer´s concern was that the curriculum (contents, skills and evaluation) should be revisited so as to make sure we offer our students real opportunities of development in the global world.
It is true, she said, that the web and the technological applications allow access to updated content in real world and that evaluation could be done now with ppt, prezi, animations or simulations anytime and anywhere. However it is not only resources we should focus on but also the skills the students need to develop to access information, as well as to communicate, produce, collaborate and live in the XXI century.
I am confident that we, teachers, the most important resource an institution has, will do our best to incorporate technology in our classes and to organize activities that will allow students to develop the necessary skills for this century. So I wish my colleagues a Happy School Year full of interesting challenges, projects and success.
All the best
M. of Ed. Maria Luisa Mu