Oct 28, 2012

British Council Schools Online

El British Council Colombia

Se complace en presentar a la comunidad de docentes y a las Instituciones Educativas del país British Council Schools Online

la plataforma global de colaboración internacional para Colegios que les ofrece la posibilidad de generar vínculos con colegios pares alrededor del mundo, teneracceso a múltiples recursos de desarrollo profesional y acceder a financiación para proyectos colaborativos. En la plataforma de acceso gratuito, los docentes colombianos inscritos tendrán oportunidades de:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ recibir Capacitaciones * Una vez realizada la inscripción, los docentes podrán participar en las capacitacionesque organizará el British Council y recibirán material de apoyo.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buscar alianzas con Colegios socios * Podrán generar sociedades con más de 33.000 colegios en más de 180 países de mundocon quienes podrán formar alianzas, desarrollar actividades y proyectos e intercambiarideas y conocimientos.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ participar en Foros * Foros en línea en los que podrán comunicarse con otros docentes internacionalmentee intercambiar ideas y aprendizajes.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ acceder a Desarrollo Profesional * Tendrán acceso gratuito a todos los recursos de desarrollo profesional para docentesy a los recursos globales de aprendizaje, desarrollados y publicados por el BritishCouncil.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ desarrollar Proyectos internacionales * Sus estudiantes podrán desarrollar proyectos y actividades con estudiantes de diferentes partes del mundo, lo que les permitirá aprender de nuevas culturas y fortalecer su inglés como lengua extranjera. El British Council Colombia otorgaráincentivos a los docentes e Instituciones Educativas más participativos en SchoolsOnline.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ encontrar financiación * Una vez vinculado con su colegio par, su institución podrá aplicar para recibirfinanciación para sus proyectos de colaboración internacional.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to British Council Schools Online! http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001hn3xix73es3Zv-knFhQ7_y_rmPMfo_Wu8WUkdISPhusTYI775lDSzsrI6ZrcJt1UfE2ko0Dwr5t0FG9xcmgurS7rRm_B5K320wbiP15o25BZJmmMxzintcotvqM_DbrqowvZLHc4x7nKMwE7b9_aWaX5CVWApjuh8H50qLeK5MP09XKV56qNArjYdLGR6oC_HRoJdvQ44go3HEXhi5KjBYey0YQ3xZEOwcbw1Hp7cf8Su5hPwPfUz-WwDrNaPWWndwi1qr4fQ9pDn_kYButmH-uty3JVXf6b
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Carrera 9 No. 76-49 Piso 5

Oct 22, 2012

[ELTeCS_PERU] Blending New Technologies with Traditional Methods: The Key to Success in Second-Language Classrooms‏

Very interesting piece of information, and what's more,resources where we can get more info and ideas!!!Great!!

Andean Region RELO posted: "What is the best way to learn a second language in a classroom setting? The answer to this question is actually much more complex than one might expect.The reason is that there are several factors outside of a teacher’s control that dictate language-lea" Respond to this post by replying above this line

New post on RELO Andes

Blending New Technologies with Traditional Methods: The Key to Success in Second-Language Classrooms

by Andean Region RELO

What is the best way to learn a second language in a classroom setting? The answer to this question is actually much more complex than one might expect.

The reason is that there are several factors outside of a teacher’s control that dictate language-learning success. For fluency to be achieved, a student must be truly interested and committed to learning a new language. However, the foundation for success is the teacher’s responsibility, and the best foundation (or curriculum) is one that uses a variety of learning techniques.

There are many new technologies being used to teach language. These technologies do help students learn, but they must not be used as a replacement to traditional language-learning methods. Instead, these new technologies must be blended with older methods as an enhancement to the classroom, allowing students to gain a better understanding with additional practice through different exercises.

According to the online language-learning resource, Omniglot.com, small children are like sponges and can learn a new language through simple image recall and listening practices. Teenagers and adults only learn with more stimulation through listening practices, image recall, reading and writing exercises and cultural immersion. All age groups benefit from practicing dialogue with their instructor and peers.

Although most computer programs, DVDs and CDs include audio that allows students to listen to and repeat the language, they must be used in conjunction with regular classroom conversation. After all, the main purpose of language is to communicate through speech with others. If this component of the learning process is left out, or sparsely used, students will fail to gain the skills needed to actually speak the language outside of the classroom.

In fact, this is a common outcome for many second-language students. In the classroom, they are asked to watch videos, listen to tapes, memorize words and grammar and write sentences, but they rarely engage in deep, meaningful dialogue with their peers and instructor. Some instructors also further hinder the process by not speaking in the second-language during class.

The result is that students learn how to read and write a language, but they cannot recognize the language when it is spoken to them, nor can they carry out a conversation. This approach isn’t necessarily a failure, since students did learn the language to an extent. However, it leaves the students with an incomplete grasp of the language.

It is possible to teach students how to speak, read and write a language, all at once, but success is more likely if technology is used in tandem with traditional speech practice. Dialogue should be natural and useful, requiring students to let down their guards and not be afraid to fail at first. Teachers must also be “tough” on students, pushing them to always use the second language in class for all communication purposes. The classroom must be a place where they sacrifice their first language for a time to fully engage in learning the new language.

In terms of viable technologies, the following list of websites and language computer programs can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning experience:

BBC.co.uk/languages: A free, comprehensive guide to learning the most common world languages.

Language Course Podcasts: These language courses are delivered in podcast format. The most popular source for language course podcasts is the online iTunes Store at Apple.com. Some courses are free, others charge a downloading fee.

VistaHigherLearning.com: A popular resource for French, German, Italian and Spanish teaching material. Each textbook comes with an interactive DVD and prices vary.

RosettaStone.com: One of the most popular computer programs for learning a new language. The website includes a section for both traditional classroom learning and homeschooling. Prices vary.

LiveMocha.com: The world’s largest online language learning community. Users pay a fee to gain access to course content, which includes reading, writing and listening practice.

Skype in the Classroom: With a Skype account, teachers can connect their classrooms to other classrooms or teaching professionals who speak the language they are learning; a great resource for practicing dialogue.

Although these and other language learning technologies can enhance a student’s learning experience, classroom teachers are still important for providing one-on-one guidance and natural, face-to-face dialogue practice.

KatherynRivas is a freelance writer and blogger who has contributed articles to numerous education resource websites. Covering topics that range from education, technology, career advice and college preparation, Katheryn works hard to research the facts about recent education news and trends to help her readers make the best decisions for their schooling and careers. Please direct your questions and comments to her at KatherynRivas87@gmail.com.

Andean Region RELO
October 22, 2012 at 9:33 am
Categories: Uncategorized
URL: http://wp.me/p16vpR-4F

Oct 21, 2012

[ELTeCS_PERU] Some material to share‏

Dear friends

We are approaching the end of October and for school people it is the chance to practise English and familiarize our students with a typical celebration: Halloween. I was reading Selections of the Reader´s Digest in Spanish (october 2012) at the doctor´s waiting room when I found these pictures on the last page in the section "The last laugh". They were not intended for English teaching but as it usually happens to us, teachers, we cannot help finding "authentic material" to supplement our teaching. You can download them from mumimaria.blogspot.com together with some suggestions for their use.

In my opinion, we should try to show our students that language is communication and what we communicate is feelings and opinions of the different things we come accross. In our country we also celebrate the Procession of the Lord of the Miracles and even "El día de la Canción Criolla".These are also conversation topics that may help teachers motivate students to communicate in English.

If you need some more ideas for celebrations you can visit Learn English Kids of the British Council : http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/ You will certainly find lots of ideas, games and crafts that are all really helpful.

Maria Luisa Mu


Spanihs-En​glish free dictionari​es

Dear Prof. Giovanni,

Babylon would like to offer your blog a free Spanish-English-Spanish dictionary that can be used directly on your site. No cost and no advertisement.

To see an example of how it works, please visit the site of the Library of BAJA CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY (Mexico): http://biblio.uabcs.mx/

If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Silvio Branco

Oct 19, 2012


Institucion Educativa ENRIQUE CAMILO BRENT

Requiere urgentemente profesor de ingles de nivel Primaria y Secundaria a TIEMPO COMPLETO .

Por favor contactar con el señor Felipe Marin , coordinador academico, al 717 3434 o al 717 3430 o al celular 989158177Este colegio esta ubicado en la Av. Proceres de la Independencia 1571 (alt. Metro LA HACIENDA) San Juan de Luringancho .

Traer curriculum y entrevista inmediata hasta el dia 26 de Octubre del presente año.

Oct 18, 2012

Taller de Narración Oral en San Miguel - Miércoles 24

Estimado Usuario,

El Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano en el marco de su labor educativa y cultural, organizará mediante su Dirección de Biblioteca el III Encuentro Internacional de Narradores Orales 2012, denominado “Bendita sea la palabra”, evento que se realizará del 22 al 27 de octubre. La narración oral resulta siempre una excelente forma de sensibilizar a la comunidad en general sobre los diversos factores sociales y que a partir de su dinámica se puede conservar la tradición de un pueblo, así como la posibilidad de contar historias literarias que estimulen la lectura, que es precisamente el objetivo.

Miércoles 24


SINOPSIS: Cómo transformar una anécdota o vivencia personal en un relato con valor universal y escénico. A través de pequeñas historias o anécdotas vividas o conocidas por el alumno se llega a la estructura más profunda de las mismas, a los mecanismos de expresión y comunicación personal y se trabaja la espontaneidad y la improvisación como materiales básicos del oficio del narrador. Todo el taller apunta al descubrimiento del “narrador interior” que cada persona posee y cómo desde ahí poder contar las historias propias y las historias de otros a una audiencia cualquiera.

FACILITADOR: CARLOS GENOVESE (CHILE). Actor, dramaturgo y narrador oral. Formado en la Escuela de Teatro de la Universidad de Chile. Pionero de esta actividad en su país. Ha participado en diversos países en festivales de la Oralidad. Autor de los libros: Las más bellas historias para ser contadas y manual de teatro escolar

Hora: De 3:00 a 6:00 p.m.Lugar: Sede San Miguel, Study Hall (9º piso)Inversión: S/. 50.00 Nuevos soles

Inscripciones en: www.icpna.edu.pe o acercándose a la Biblioteca San Miguel

Biblioteca "Anna Clack de Díaz"

Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano

Av. La Marina 2469 - San Miguel

Tel. 7067000 - Anexo 3272


Oct 11, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Facebook page

Dear ELTeCS PERU Members

Thanks to all of you who visited the Facebook page we have set for ELTeCS PERU and clicked "like". The statistics for the page shows that there 171 people talking about ELTeCS PERU but there aren´t as many members as the actual email group count shows (over 1000). I guess this is because not everybody has a FB account, still I´d like to invite you once more to visit our FB page and become members there too. You can easily post messages on FB that all the community will read (related to our profesional activity, of course).

Thanks again,

Cesar Klauer


Oct 5, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Something to share

Dear colleagues

On October 3rd, SM and University of Dayton Publishing offered Ready, Steady, Grow, a presentation for Primary teachers whose presenter was Ms. Izabella Hearn.

This presentation started with a comment on her work in Africa where she came to know a Masamari warrior who happened to speak five languages, one of them Japanese. When asked how and why he learned it, he replied that there were many visitors from Japan and that they learned languages by playing. As you can imagine, this answer leaves you with a lot to reflect and to relate with the theories behind the way children learn.

Izabella´s presentation was really a workshop since it was full of hands-on practical ideas for teaching but not only that, it also provided the rationale behind the activities- which is an issue that is sometimes forgotten in other such events. I truly believe that a good presentation is more than to keep people entertained, the coffee break and the freebies that are given at the end. It is the personal and professional quality of the presenter that allows us, attendees, to take away inspiring ideas and urge us to try these out in the classroom adapting them to suit our own contexts. In other words, it is not what the publisher or the organizer gives us, it is what we take away with us that matters and Izabella gave plenty of opportunities to do so.

Izabella discussed the use of Multiple Intelligences, CLIL, sensory learning and using both brain hemispheres and presented some activities to demonstrate how they worked with the possibility of adapting them to teaching any level. Read more

Time was really short for all the activities she presented in spite of starting at 4:30 and finishing at around 8:00 p.m. but it was worth every single minute. I would like to finish with this quote that, I believe, sums up the aim of her presentation: "If the child is not learning the way you are teaching, then teach the way children are learning".

M.of Ed.Maria Luisa Mu




Live as if you were to die tomorrow

Learn as if you were to live forever (Gandhi)