Aug 31, 2012


Greetings my dear Colleagues:

I know you are tired of working long our for a low salary, let me tell you that I just got a new business proposal from a good friend of mine.

Here you are the link of that

So please send your comments or questions to my email
since this proposal can be applyable to any country around the world even through internet.

Kind Regards

Prof. Giovanni Gonzales
Lima - Peru

Aug 22, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Cambridge English Teacher

22 August 2012

In this Issue

Jack Richards: Where do I go from here?

Things to do on Cambridge English Teacher

Did you know?

Other news

Jack Richards: Where do I go from here?

29 August 2012: 2pm (UK time)

Join us on 29 August when Jack Richards will examine the nature of professional development, both from the perspective of an institution, as well as that of the classroom teacher.

Jack will also be discussing a number of strategies for teacher-initiated professional development, so don't miss out on this exciting webinar by registering today.

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Things to do on Cambridge English Teacher

Download the latest webinar recordings:

•Russell Stannard's Connected Classroom

•Nicky Hockly's Teaching Online

•Mike McCarthy's Written Grammar versus Spoken Grammar.

Visit the resource section to download today.

Get involved in the latest discussion

In a recent article, Nick Robinson explored methodologies for teaching English for Special Purposes (ESP). If this is something of interest to you or you have a question or view on the subject, come and take part in the latest discussion forum.

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Did you know?

Your journal is a handy tool which can help you keep notes on key things you have learnt.

You can use your journal to:

•focus on your responses and reflections to new ideas and subjects

•capture important notes from workshops, courses, books and articles

•make a note of important conversations

•record relevant and significant experiences in the workplace.

Maintaining a journal will really help you to:

•keep a record of your thoughts and ideas

•demonstrate how you have developed over time

•identify areas that you might need to develop further.

Sign in to access your journal on Cambridge English Teacher.

Why don't you start recording your thoughts and ideas today Cesar?

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Other news

Essential maintenance

The courses on Cambridge English Teacher will be unavailable from 6.30am until 9.30am (UK time) on 30 August 2012.

We are really sorry for any inconvenience. We are going to work hard to make sure everything is back to normal as quickly as possible. All other parts of the site will be available during this time. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Help us to help you

We are always looking for ways to improve our service to you. If there is something that you would like to know more about in our regular newsletter then please submit your request to, and we will try to include it in a future issue.

Many thanks,

The Cambridge English Teacher team

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[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Recommended Book

Dear colleagues,

A highly recommended book you can download 'Focus on the teacher'

Teaching English – British Council

Focus on the teacher

The different contributors focus on different aspects of the teacher training process. Some look at specific methodologies and technologies for the ELT classroom; others at training design; and others at exploring teacher attitudes and motivation.

Have a happy reading!

Leo Marín Manuel López

IATEFL-PERU President and Vice President